Monday, July 30, 2007

One down, five to GO!!!!!!

We got one garment bag today. It had the travel size charmin toliet paper in it that we never used, an extra coloring book, some hats, basically the useless stuff. Isn't that just swell!!!! I need my hair dryer and some clothes would be nice. There were some of our dress clothes in there as well, I was especially happy to get this Ann Taylor shrug that my sister lent me. Jarrett's mom and dad got 2 bags. We are holding out hope for the rest. We are suffering from some major jet lag. All four of us were up at 3:30 am today. We had all gone to bed before 7 pm. I have never felt like this before, it is a wierd feeling. One minute I will be fine and the next I feel like I am going to fall right over and go to sleep. Maybe I just have narcolpsy???


Anonymous said...

bless your hearts! I bet you are still exhausted! I will pray that your bags show up. what, do they call you from the airport when one comes down the jetway????? do you have your pics on a website? would love to see! I will see your mom this week and will give her clothes for Maddy. (she got Noah back into Asbury for us! Yeah God! thank you Joananne!)

Anonymous said...

i looked at your pics.... and i think my favorite one is the one where your daughter is passed out at dinner. haha

see ya next weekend

Anonymous said...

Hey... any more luggage? I sure do miss your blogs.
Knowing that your doing probably what i am doing is just not near as exciting!! :)