Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Edward, AKA Edwardo to Jarrett, has been my life for the last week. I am totally hooked on the Twilight books. If you haven't read them, run to the store and get them!! They are addicting! I saw the movie on Friday morning!!!!!!!! Not as good as the book but I will say it helped feed my addiction. I hope they are making a sequel. I gotta go read, see ya later!


Dawn said...

Soooo funny that Jarret is calling him Edwardo!!

Aren't they the best books?!? Seriously, I don't know of any other series I've been more into! And, I LOVE to read.

Can't wait to hear what you think about book 4! When you finish them let's do lunch!!

Steven said...

i guess you will now have something in common with all of the high school kids you come in contact with.

oh rob patterson is so hot right now

Just Wedeminute said...

I still haven't seen the movie but finished the books this past summer and loved them! Very addictive.

Anonymous said...

I heard on ABC the other day that they ARE making a sequel because the first movie has been so successful. I haven't even heard of them until last week!