Monday, April 30, 2007

I am done

I am done, just plain done. I am done with a whiny, demanding, grumpy child who is uncomfortable about 90% of the day. I am done getting up every hour during the middle of the night to get ice packs, sprite, new jammies b/c the ice leaked, pain medicine that gets spit out on me because she doesn't like the taste. I am done staying in this house alllll day and not being able to go anywhere. I am done not being able to go to the gym and working out. (Is that really coming out of my mouth?) I would get up and go early but I am too tired from being up all night. I am done with my precious little girl feeling miserable and not getting any better. I am done with her wanting to eat all the time but everything hurts when it goes down so we have to make 5 soft things for every meal. Then she ends up just drinking sprite. Ok, I think I am done being grumpy and gripy. I just had to get that off my chest.....I am better now!!

I really love her with all my heart and would do anything for her. Thanks for not holding my gripe session against me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its ok kathleen. us moms hav to gripe some time. we will pray for a speedy recovery. maybe she will turn the corner this week!