Saturday, June 7, 2008

Are you kidding me??

Good morning from Hattisburg, MS! We made it here by 6pm last night and we were able to have a nice dinner at Olive Garden. The adults have voted and decided no more Mickey Donalds on this trip. Thank you Jesus! Once was enough. We had a very uneventful drive which we are all thankful for. Especially after our last trip here and all of us developed a case of a nasty stomach virus and I got a sinus infection. It took us forever and a day to make it here last time.

Once we crossed over to MS I started to feel sick. No lie. I have developed another sinus infection. I was like "Are you kidding me?" Why is it every time this happens? I had packed our entire medicine cabinet so I quickly started a regiment of decongestants, steroids, and a nasal spray. I may have to call in a favor from my brother in law who is a family practice doc to get an antibiotic today. It wouldn't be the first time and I am sure not the last. It has become a joke that if you travel with us you need to know where every Walgreen's on your route is. I think I know why this happens. The day before vacation I usually am the one who mows the yard so that Jarrett doesn't have to mess with it then I get sick. I have decided I must never mow again, especially right before vacation.

Ok, we are off to breakfast and then Seacrest, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I hope you're feeling better!! It truly stinks to be sick away from home!! Not to mention it doesn't make for a very fun vacation!

Thank goodness you have a dr. in the family! LOL