Thursday, June 26, 2008

Today the kids and I decided to make our own playdough. We had fun! And much to my surprise it actually turned out.

Madelyn explains, " We made playdough. We used flour,salt and water. My mom added lemon so it would smell good. I helped stir it. We thought we had messed up because it was gooey and lumpy and stinky. We took it off the stove then we grinded it. It got better. Then we played with it."


Randa's notes on doing life with Christ and family... said...

You are such the crafty mom! Bread, play, you're making the rest of us look bad!

I'm so excited about Maddie! That is awesome news. I'm telling you, there is something about the Short family and VBS - it's a powerful week!

Now, I must go and do something creative and stimulating with my children. Do you think laundry is stimulating to a young brain?

Steven said...

looks like fun

Anonymous said...

Why can't you just put your kids in front of the TV like the rest of us.