Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My sweet, precious and adorable children decided they would cool off from the heat by covering each other with mud. Oh, yeah and while they were at it they thought it would be a swell idea to plant a garden in their crocs. (They filled their shoes with wet mud that they had made themselves then pulled out grass from the ground and stuffed it in the shoe) Nice uh?? The slide is no longer yellow, it is totally covered in mud chunks. I will admit that I saw them doing this and I just let them. It kept them busy and productive for over an hour plus I am sure there was something educational or therapuetic about it!


Anonymous said...

it kept them quiet.... right??? I love it! That beats what Baileyanne did yesterday.... took about 100 little princess jewel stickers and put them ALL over her white dresser.... it took me almost 30 min to get them all off. The mud beats that though!!! looks like you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Mud baths..... makes the skin nice and soft:)

Must of been in the wind yesterday because mine flooded the yard and played.... why o why do we pay a lawn service when we have no grass?????

Anonymous said...

oops that was me...

Karen said...

Looks like they had a blast - love the pic's! Have fun in Flordia.

Steven said...

i remember doing that with Tyler as a little kid in the sand box.... it was soooo much fun.

have fun on your trip? are you all packed and planned out yet?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me she has been packed for a week and half. You can hardly walk in the back door with all the boxes of food and luggage.

Dawn said...

LOL They looked like they had so much fun. AND, I'm super impressed that your daughter STILL has her bow in!!!

Maybe they need to plant some flowers in those shoes?!?

I'm sure Lisa is also packed with stuff for the trip! LOL You all will have so much fun!

Steven said...

i knew the fly on the wall would make a comment on the blog.....