Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Bike Accident

I am known to have some weird ailments and strange accidents but this one may take the cake. Yesterday afternoon the kids and I were going to go on a bike ride, usually I just walk along with them but they asked me to ride. My bike hangs from the ceiling with those hook thingys. It is basically right in front of my car. So I carefully grabbed each tire, I was on my tippy toes with hands raised above my head, then lifted the tires at the same time. All of a sudden the bike flipped over my head toward the car and the metal bar by the seat hit me in the back of the head, hard. My hands were in some strange position at this point and my head was throbbing. I couldn't let go of the big because it would hit my new van. I wanted to release it so bad, it was killing me but I took one for the team. Painfully I shimmed over away from the car and I let go of the bike. It hit me all along my back side. I collapsed on the ground just crying out in pain. I couldn't get up, I was so dizzy and felt like I was about to pass out.

Madelyn watched the whole thing. She took my house key, unlocked the door, got my cell phone and called Jarrett. I am so thankful for her! She stayed calm and did what needed to be done. She is such a whiz with phone #'s for a five year old. Nathan watched too and then saw some big kids playing and left on his bike. (We don't let them just go like that yet!)

I still couldn't get up so I told Madelyn to go find her brother and bring him home. Anyway, I stayed in bed the rest of the night. I was very dizzy and nauseous. Today I am better but I have a sore head, sore hand and a bad spot on my head. Later that night we asked Nathan why he left Mommy when she was hurt and he said that she is a grown up and can take care of herself and that we were supposed to go on a bike ride so that is what he did. I told that to his speech path. today who works with him on social stuff and she said that was typical of kids with aspergers and that they would work on that.


Dawn said...

Ugh! I'm so glad you are okay. How scary. What a great feeling though to know your daughter knows what to do in an emergency!

Anonymous said...

OH Kathy! I am so sorry! your mom told me what happened when I saw her today. glad that you are okay!!!!

Margo said...

Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry that happened to you. This also reminded me to MAKE sure my boys know all the right phone numbers. Take it easy! I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for also letting me know that I should never take my bike off the hookie things either!

Anonymous said...

So things around the Bevins/Short Family just aren't accident free!! Ty and his arm, Ella and her concrete eating contest and you and your bike!! I hope you are feeling better! I'm glad to hear that Maddie had a wonderful first day of school!!


shell said...

Man Kathy I knew that I did not like biking for a reason! Glad you are okay...get better and way to go Madelyn for helping mom.

ellen said...

Oh no! Hope you are feeling better soon.

I love it that M took control of the situation. How grown up of her! And your little guy...that made me chuckle!

zum the mum said... need some CALM at your house! I think the Shorts have reached their quota for milestones/accidents/excitement all in one week.

Take it easy. I hope you feel better. That's scary stuff. I don't think Karson would've handled it as well as Maddie did.

Karen said...

Oh Kathy - what a sight that must have been. I can just picture Nathan going on his bike ride like planned - thinking no big deal. Thank goodness Maddie has had a lot of practice using the phone :)

Hope you are feeling better & nice job sacrificing your body for the sake of your car.

E's Mom said...

Yes he is on an IEP. This will be his 3rd school year to be on one. We are also in Owasso and I would love any info you can give me on the social groups! That would be awesome!! It would be really cool to get one started here in Owasso as well!

E's Mom said...

Thanks so much for the info! I will give them a call tomorrow!

Michelle said...

You and Ty, a pair to draw too! :-) I hope you are doing better! That stinks! I don't know if you are going to see your mom before Wed. but we will be at Asbury for meet the teacher and I could get my bracelet then. If not, no biggie, you can always give it to Kim and I can get it from her or your mom too. I'll send you a check in the am! THANK YOU!!

Just Wedeminute said...

That sounds horrible! I hope you are better today. Thank God for little girls...Kenzie has done something similar for me. We have to get Nathan and Kylan together soon!